Sustainable Natural Resource Management for Smallholder Farmers

Building a collective voice and actions for better natural resource management for farmers
Livelihood development
climate change


Myanmar has one of the lowest population densities in the region and moderate economic growth. Smallholder farmers in Southern Shan State are facing many challenges due to poor natural resource management and a lack of development of organizations and businesses.

The project

The project, which started in January 2018 and ended in March 2020, aimed at improving income and equal access to land and resources for landless and smallholder farmers with a special emphasis put on women and ethnic groups. The project not only developed the capacities of the groups to sustainably manage agricultural resources and the related value chain, but also strengthened collective power and raised community voices to enable the implementation of environmental policies. MERN is a local environmental NGO network comprised of 30 NGOs and formed in 2009. MERN works on programs and projects related to livelihoods, the environment, and sustainable development. These capacities have been used to develop a more sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture production thanks to inclusive financial services and with the support of farmers’ and women’s entrepreneurship organizations. Farmers’ organizations in particular represent the rights of farmers and enable the implementation of environmental policies. The project included 12 forest user groups, 3 women’s business groups and 17 village saving loan associations in 13 villages for building local capacity to work collectively.

About the organization

MERN is a local environmental NGO network comprised of 30 NGOs and formed in 2009. MERN works on programs and projects related to livelihoods, the environment, and sustainable development.

Sustainable livelihood development for Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) is promoted through vocational training. Pwe Hla Village, Pintaya Township, Southern Shan State.
Photo: MERN
Financial access is provided to CFUGs through Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA) systems. Pwe Hla Village, Pintaya Township, Southern Shan State.
Photo: MERN
The project also built capacity specifically for women’s groups in order to improve their income generation through the sustainable use of land and resources. Yagyi Village, Ywangan Township, Southern Shan State.
Photo: MERN

Tha Bar Wa

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